Our Story
Mt Elliot Springs is an aquifer on a 105 acre property at the foot of Mt Elliot in North Queensland, about 100 kilometres from Townsville.
From above, it can be seen the Mt Elliot range (Bowling Green Bay National Park) is shaped like a horseshoe. Back when it was active, the western side of the range, furthest from the sea, had fairly docile volcanic activity. The eastern side however, closer to the sea, had violent eruptions.
This is known because the western side is composed solely of granite, while the eastern side also has the presence of rhyolite in the granite. Rhyolite is a crystalline rock made up of mostly silica but contains other mineralisations including geodes and quartz.
Water usually travels through granite at a rate of one metre every ten years. Depending on where it enters our aquifer it could be anywhere from 300 to 5000 years old.
However, water travels through rhyolite at a much faster rate (due to gaps and cracks) so our water is a mix of the very old with the freshness that comes from newer rainwater filtered through rhyolite.
Our water is unusual in that it is the perfect blend of mineralised water from these two sides of the mountain. The combination creates a mineral ratio that is incredibly rare. As a result, Mt Elliot Springs produces a naturally occurring alkaline spring water with a pH greater than eight.
Mt Elliot Springs water - proudly bottled at the source.